


Gender and Security: Selected Publications

1. What about the women? Understanding and Addressing the Problem of ISIS Female Recruitment in the Western Balkans Author: Eric Mietz This policy paper aims to bring attention to an oft-neglected security problem in the Western Balkans: women being recruited by—and migrating to—the Islamic State. The first part of the paper […]

1. What about the women? Understanding and Addressing the Problem of ISIS Female Recruitment in the Western Balkans

Author: Eric Mietz

This policy paper aims to bring attention to an oft-neglected security problem in the Western Balkans: women being recruited by—and migrating to—the Islamic State. The first part of the paper looks at the numbers of women leaving from the Western Balkans to Islamic State-held territory, the profiles of women who migrate, and the roles they take on in the Islamic State. To explain why women are influenced to migrate, the second part examines the “push” and “pull” factors of Islamic State recruitment. The last part focuses on the efforts of Western Balkans governments to criminalize participation in or support of the Islamic State and the disadvantages of relying solely on this policy.

2. How Equality, Diversity, and Police Practices in the UK Can Help Police Reform

Author: Aurelija Djan

Examples of good practices that exist in the British police system which are central to protecting the rights of diverse community members, as well as creating an equitable workplace for all employees were the topic of the interview with Bob Eastwood, a retired Chief Superintendent who had been responsible for Diversity and Community Cohesion within the Constabulary of Lancashire.

3. The Role of CSOs in Monitoring and Evaluating National Action Plan (NAP) for Implementation of UNSCR 1325

Author: Gorana Odanovic

This policy paper explains the role of civil society organizations in implementation of the UN resolution which landmark international legal framework that addresses not only the inordinate impact of war on women, but also the pivotal role women should and do play in conflict management, conflict resolution and sustainable peace.

4. Gender Analysis: Possibilities of Application in Security Sector

Author: Zorana Brozovic

The development of interest for gender mainstreaming and gender analysis, concrete steps in the implementation of this analysis, and the most significant theoretical-methodological approaches to gender analysis is presented in this paper.

5. Challenges of Women’s Participation in Serbian Peacekeeping Missions

Editor: Maja Bjelos
Author: Marko Milosevic

In this policy paper the challenges of women’s participation in peacekeeping operations, global characteristics of the inclusion of women in peacekeeping operations, and the challenges of the related policy in Serbia are discussed.

6. Gender and Security Sector Reform in Serbia

Editors: Sonja Stojanovic Gajic, Kathrin Quesada
Authors: Natasa Petrovic, Sonja Stojanovic Gajic, Gorana Odanovic, Maja Bjelos

“Gender and Security Sector Reform in Serbia” is the first empirical research in Serbia on the results of introducing a gender perspective in security sector governance and security institutions, as well as on the sensitization of security institutions on gender issues.

7. Good practices in engaging women in preventing terrorism in the UK

Author: Aurelija Djan

How community policing can help in the fight against terrorism was the topic of the interview with Simon Smith, chief inspector within the National UK National Counter Terrorism Security Office.

8. Quotas in the Serbian security sector – do they constrain or promote women?

Author: Maja Bjelos

This paper focusses primarily on analysing the way in which the quota system has been applied in the Serbian police and military until 2012. Based on this, recommendations are made for security and defence system institutions. In addition, the paper attempts to identify the origin of quotas and to outline the advantages and shortcomings of their application in the security sector.

9. Partnership for Safe Communities in Serbia

Authors: Sasa Djordjevic, Gorana Radovanovic

The first part of the Report contains a comparative overview of legal responsibilities of the local self-government in regard to safety and development of the community policing concept following the adoption of the strategic plan in April 2013. The second, main part analyses the operation of municipal safety councils so far. The gender dimension of local safety is then presented, followed by the analysis of the safety situation in Arandjelovac, Golubac, Leskovac, Niska Banja, Novi Pazar and Paracin.

10. Why Should we Understand Multiple Meanings of ‘Gender Security’?

Author: Laura McLeod

The goal of this paper is to highlight how a deeper understanding of the variety of meanings about ‘gender security’ can be useful to practitioners.


  • Date: 16.12.2024.

    Author: Belgrade Centre for Security Policy

    The Belgrade Centre for Security Policy (BCSP) strongly condemns the Serbian authorities’ misuse of digital technologies for surveillance of citizens, as detailed in the Amnesty International report "Digital Prison: Surveillance and Repression of Civil Society in Serbia."

  • Date: 22.08.2024.

    Author: Belgrade Centre for Security Policy

    A large number of unfounded detentions and arrests of citizens in recent weeks have been accompanied by propaganda against alleged foreign mercenaries who, in the interest of hostile foreign countries, are said to be undermining the state order. The goal of such manipulations, propagated by government representatives and media controlled by it, is to justify repression against political dissenters and to deter citizens from participating in legitimate and legal protests through fear.

  • Date: 28.02.2024.

    Author: Belgrade Centre for Security Policy

    The half-day conference titled “Behind the Scenes of the Balkan Defence Policies,” organised by the Belgrade Centre for Security Policy, was the opportunity to present and discuss the main findings of the latest edition of the Balkan Defence Monitor.